Saturday, August 24, 2019

Thank You!

Thank You!👍

Thank you for having a look at my blog. Please give my a comment. I hope you liked my blog. I also hope that my TMK teacher,Mr.Lim gives me a comment. I would appreciate it. This blog has given you so much facts about incredible places in Malaysia. By reading my blog you can feel comfortable. Thats all from me. Bye.Image result for hand waving animated bye gif

Georgetown Festival part 2

Welcome Back🍭🎉

There were so many shows there. Which shows I remember are fire show,La Ballerine,The body art,lighted drummers and night colors. La Ballerine were dancing womens on stilts. The night colors were 2 people on stilts too. The body art was something related to shadows. The lighted drummers wore bright color costumes with decorated drums. To see more search this link.→

Image result for georgetown penang festival night colors 2019Image result for georgetown penang festival night colors 2019

Georgetown Festival part 1

Georgetown Festival

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The Georgetown Festival comes every year. This is a festival for everyone. This years festival was amazing like every year. The parkings were full. We saw so a hundreds of cars with a clamp for parking at the wrong place. So we did not wanted to get a RM50 fine. We parked near a small house and without any worries.😉😊 Then we went to explore!!!!!!!!!

To learn more see part 2

Lost World of Tambun-the sister of Sunway Lagoon

Lost World of Tambun✌️

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This is the map of the place.👆Looks fun right? Next time this place will be visited by you. This jumbo place contains of 12 stations. 1.Water Park 2. Amusement Park 3.Lupe's Adventure 4.Haunted Chambers 5.Tiger Valley 6.Tin Valley 7.Hot Springs and Spa 8.Swan lake 9.Animal Care Center 10.Petting Zoo 11.Porcupine Trail 12.Adventure Park. I did not dare to miss any of these places! I loved this type of  slide but the slide there was better than this one here.⬇️                                                    Image result for water slides

Sunday, August 18, 2019

Sunway Lagoon

Sunway Lagoon

I also visited Sunway Lagoon. It is the best place to visit I give it 5 stars🌠🌠🌠🌠🌠. There are total 6 zones there. 1.Water Park 2. Scream Park 3. Extreme Park 4. Wildlife Park 5. Amusement Park 6.Nickelodean Lost lagoon. I only visited Zone 1,4 and 5. My father said that Zone 2 and 3 are for adults only.(Which is not true) Zone 6 will open at night but we have to leave in the evening. It was still fun seeing snakes, kuala bears and many more wildlife animals at the Wildlife Park.

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Top Penang Komtar part 2

Welcome back! 🎉

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Welcome back to part 2.

In the early morning, my family and I got ready and had breakfast. After that, we got into the car and headed towards Komtar. Our first stop was Tech Dome. Then we went to other attractions. My sister lost her favorite bag during the fun. The mirror maze was so difficult. Luckily I fond the way out or otherwise we would stay there forever!My favourite was the Zombie Outbreak. It wasn't scary at all! My last stop was the Rainbow Skybridge. I loved the Jelly Bump because I was very good at it.This was the best trip ever!☆☆☆☆

Top Penang Komtar part 1

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Top Penang Komtar

I have also been to The Top Penang. It is located in the Komtar building. It has many attractions. The attractions I have been to are Rainbow Skywalk, Jurassic Research Centre, 7D Discovery Motion Theater,Tech Dome, Aquarium, Gravityz, Penang State Gallery, Durian the King of Fruits, Tongkat Ali King, Dino Gym, Jelly Bump, Zombie Outbreak, Dance Oki, Music Carousel, Mirror maze and ARV. To learn more see part 2.Image result for the top penang komtar

Bukit Merah

Bukit Merah

I also went to Bukit Merah. My father is a lecturer in Universiti Sains Malaysia(USM). So,a group of students from USM leaded by my father, went to Bukit Merah. So I followed my father.😉 There were a water park,animal park and much more in front of me but poor me!I could not go in those fun places. The group of students were here to do an experiment not to have fun. So with them I can not have fun too!😢I expected to have fun!But the students danced in the morning when I was sleeping.

Batu Caves.....................Where I met a beautiful japanese lady

Batu Caves

Batu Caves is a place were Hindus come and pray seldomly. It is also a tourist attraction. It has so many stairs. I climbed the stairs tiredly with my father. When we reached the top I only saw a small place for Hindus to pray. I was very mad! I climbed like a hundred stairs and this is what I found. Wow!I was happy too because I met a japanese lady.

Next stop.............................................Underwater World!

My next stop is the Underwater World. There were so many species of fishes there. It is a house for a lot of sea creatures(including penguins!). There are ten stops there. 1. Preview Tank 2. River Ecosystem 3.  Temperate Section 4. Antarctic Section 5. Hexagonal Tank 6. Tunnel Tank 7. Koi pond 8. Invertebrate Section 9. Coral Reef Section 10. Poisonous and Venomous Section. We took many photos and were staring at unusual and odd sea creatures. There were sea creatures from all over the world. I wonder how hard was it to built the Tunnel Tank. It is shaped like a tunnel. It is very scary. I just hated the tunnel so much because I was scared that it might fall on me!😨

Youth park

Youth Park

I also went to Youth Park, the land of the monkeys. There are so many monkeys there. There are so many fun places in Youth Park.There are total 5 swimming pools there,one big swimming pool,3 kids swimming pool and one baby pool.There is a park there too which has many rides such as see-saw,swings and slides. There is also a place for cycling,skating and jogging. I had so much fun there. A mother monkey with a baby eating bread.↓

The Amazing Petronas Twin Towers!

Petronas Twin Towers,Kuala Lumpur

When my aunt and my grandparents come to Malaysia,my father took us to Petronas Twin Towers in Kuala Lumpur. It is the tallest tower in Malaysia. Inside it were 88 floors as I can remember! My mother was busy shopping with my aunt and grandma as there were many shops there. Meanwhile,my grandpa,my father,my siblings and me were watching the fountain show.↘↘↘

Thursday, August 8, 2019

My second interesting place that I have visited.

Crocodile Farm in Langkawi

I also visited the Crocodile Farm in Langkawi. The crocodile show was amazing. A man had put his face inside the crocodile's mouth and he also sat on the crocodile as shown in the video below. After the show, my father took me and my family on a tour in the Crocodile Farm as he had already visited this place before I was born! There were lots of statutes of crocodiles there. As shown in the picture above, there is a statue of a crocodile whose mouth is open and my father has put his head in it!

Welcome to my blog

Welcome To My Blog!

Hello!I am Enaya. I am 11 years old and I am from Pakistan. My family and I came to Malaysia when I was 6 years old. I have 2 siblings. My father works as a senior lecturer and an engineer. My mother was a doctor in Pakistan. She worked 36 hours in the hospital but now she is a housewife because she does not has a working certificate in Malaysia .I study in the Penang's oldest convent school that is going to shut down soon,Sekolah Kebangsaan Convent Light Street that is also known Sekolah Kebangsaan Convent Lebuh Light. My teacher asked me to make a blog and this is my blog.

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About my trip.

3D Art in Paradise Langkawi

Firstly,I went to 3D Art in Paradise Langkawi. There were so many realistic pictures of sea creatures and land animals. For example a huge hippopotamus trying to eat someone on a ladder that is broken. Not just that,there are more 3D illustrations like a giant shark trying to eat a person at the sea creatures section. At the land section,there are interesting illustrations too. Like a large dragon that is blowing fire on a person which is holding a shield and a sword. At the chemistry section there are realistic pictures like Einstien doing some experiments using a beaker and a person is sitting inside the beaker. Not only that there are even more nice things to discover there.